A Sunday walk to the Brough of Deerness. Click here for location.
There was a WARM wind. Now THAT is special for Orkney! As the Orkney Tourism website says, it really is one of the best places to go for great views on a warm day. However, battling one's way there on a vicious winter day with spray everywhere is more exciting. We have done it. However, I don't suppose I'll ever a post a picture of that unless I buy some weatherproofing kit for my camera!
I was taking Lena and Athina to see the Gloup, which is at the start of this walk. This sight/site is particularly hard to photograph because the former sea cave, now roofless, presents as a dark hole in the ground*. However, I have found a less than impressive old photo, taken with a Fuji X-T2 and a zoom lens, from a few years back. (The lack of sharpness is painful to me now, but I though it was great back then.)
* If you click through above to the Orkney Tourism website's bit on the Gloup, you will see some examples of exactly what I mean by the difficulty of taking photos of dark holes in the ground.
Anyway, the point last Sunday was to walk the mile or so to the Brough of Deerness, to which we walked along the cliff tops.
Here is the Brough (I did not take this photo as I couldn't jump high enough into the air.
The air and light were gorgeous
The breeze was warm. (You can just see the outline of the ruined chapel top-right in the frame.)
The pirate bay looked great
On the walk back, I took a couple of arty-farty shots that I like.
First a wonderfully puffy Orkney cloud:
and then this picture of an Orcadian wind Golgotha (or Ukrainian flag with added elements):